Monday, December 1, 2008

Donations for Christmas Needed!

World Relief is getting ready for Christmas and needs your help. We want to provide our families with a Merry first Christmas in America and you can help make it happen!
We’re looking for people of all ages to chip in and donate a new or gently used toy for a little boy or girl. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, or if you want, we can give you the family’s information so you know just what to get.

Looking to get more involved? There’s so much you can do, from collecting gifts, sorting and wrapping, delivering or you can go all the way and adopt a family for Christmas!

Adopting a family does not involve taking them into your home to live. It can mean inviting them over for dinner or gathering gifts for each member. The sky is the limit!

This is a great project for individuals and groups of all shapes and sizes and any help you or your group can be will be greatly appreciated. Call to find out more today!

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